It’s the kind and generous donations received from people just like you, which allow us to continue minstering our free memorial and crisis comfort blankets to bereaved children and parents, suicidal teens and those who are terminally ill. Heavens Comfort Ministries is an endorsed tax deductible registered charity, which ensures that all of the donations received by Heavens Comfort are tax deductible.
For a donation of just $18, the postage costs are covered for us to send a blanket to someone in need of comfort in Australia. For a donation of $60, you will have given a precious and personal gift of love to a little person or parent who has just lost the centre of their world. Any donation amount helps to further the ministry of Heavens Comfort. We have various methods available through which you can support us financially.
Bank Deposit
In order to receive a receipt for your bank deposit donation, please email with your name and deposit details. To make a donation by bank deposit, please use the details below.
BSB: 633-000
Account: 14792 5887
Account Name: Heavens Comfort Ministries
paypal donation